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Copyright -
G P Sagar - 2015

Create  -  European Comenius Project  -  1998 to 2003

Pushing the Boundaries

Following on from a successful science project I put forward the idea of a further project focused on, and combining, Art, Design, Technology, and Craft.

This idea was spawned after witnessing a rather large Kinetic Sculpture outside a University building in Helsinki.

The aim -

To Design and construct a mechanical sculpture which can be activated via the Internet.

Four Schools -

          England   (Woodbridge School) 

          Finland   (Saarnilaakson koulu, Espoo

          Germany   (Gymnasium Sulingen)    

          Hungary   (Brody Imri Gimnazium, Ajka)

The outcome was a Success!
Pupils sat in the D&T department at Woodbridge School operating a Sculpture in Hungary
The very first meeting in Finland considering the viability and programme.

Detail of the working mock-up used to demonstrate the idea.

The original schematic to stimulate discussion


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